COVID-19 rules on League Ressumption

10 Sep 2020 by Darren Parkinson

This is a request from league and we, by signing upto the league have agreed to abide by the rules. This is for everyones safety. More WJSA Facemasks will be ordered and will be distributed to those who would like to purchase.

Having clarified with the FA, our league games will go ahead as normal this weekend and the County FA are not expecting further guidance or restriction at this time,Having clarified with the FA, our league games will go ahead as normal this weekend and the County FA are not expecting further guidance or restriction at this time,

Following on from the statement, we must ensure that that as a club within the NDYFL, we adhere to all areas stated. As you will see, we already adhere to all but one of the requirements.
The new requirement being face masks for all spectators and coaching staff, this may seem a little extreme, but the NDYFL are trying to avoid the spread of this virus and trying to ensure everyone’s safety.
The face mask is not there to protect the wearer, it is there to protect the people around them, most face covering will help stop the spread of airborne particles. So any face covering will help with that.

We have a fantastic group of parents within WJSA, so this should communication should not cause issues.

It will be up to the specific Manager and Coaches of each team to manage this. The vast majority of our games will be played in public spaces, so we appreciate that this will be difficult to manage, but every club we come up against should be following the same rules that we are.

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